The Ultimate Guide to Safeguarding Your Books in Self Storage

Picture this. You’re expecting a significant snowstorm in the next couple of days. You know you’ll be stuck inside, so now is the time to make some plans. After shopping for extra groceries and filling the gas tank, you begin thinking about how you’re going to stay occupied for this period.

You decide to snuggle by the fire and reread a book from your high school lit class. It will be interesting to gain a new perspective – if you can find the book.

You search through your bookcases, your attic, and your basement. After many hours with no luck, you make a disappointing second choice in reading material.

If only you had put your older books in self storage. At Trusted Self Storage they would have been safe and protected in climate-controlled self storage. With proper packing and easy access, it would have taken only a few minutes to find your chosen book. With our wide range of sizes, it’s a breeze to find space for any size book collection.

Book Storage

The Importance of Protecting Your Books in Self Storage

When it comes to book storage, protecting them from damage should be your top priority. Books are not just objects; they hold sentimental value, intellectual knowledge, and sometimes even financial worth. Whether you have rare first editions, signed copies, or simply stories you love, take the necessary steps to safeguard them.

One of the main reasons to use self storage for your books is to protect them from potential damage. Storing books in your basement, attic, or garage can expose them to moisture, pests, and extreme temperatures.

Self storage units, on the other hand, provide a controlled environment that minimizes these risks. By keeping your books in a climate-controlled space, you can prevent mold, mildew, fading, and other forms of damage.

Additionally, reputable self storage units offer enhanced security measures. Surveillance cameras, contactless access codes, and on-site staff protect against theft and vandalism. You can have peace of mind knowing that your belongings are in safe hands.

Choosing the Right Facility for Your Books

Choosing the right storage facility is crucial to ensure the safety of your collection. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a storage unit.

1 Size: Assess the size of your collection and choose a unit with enough space to accommodate your books comfortably. Avoid overcrowding as it can lead to damage and make accessing your books difficult.

2 Climate Control: This is a must. Opt for a storage unit with climate control features. Books are sensitive to temperature and humidity fluctuations. Climate control helps maintain a stable environment, preventing mold, warping, and yellowing of pages.

3 Security: Look for a storage facility with robust security measures. This includes surveillance cameras, secure access systems, and well-trained staff.

4 Location: Consider the location of the storage facility. If you plan on accessing your books frequently, choose a facility that is conveniently located.

Packing and Organizing Your Books

Proper packing and organization are key to preserving the condition of your books while they are in self storage.

1 Use sturdy, acid-free boxes: Avoid using cardboard boxes. They can deteriorate over time, making your books vulnerable to damage. Opt for sturdy, acid-free boxes that provide better protection against moisture and pests. You can find these boxes at bookstores and online retailers.

2 Wrap individual books: For added protection, wrap each book in acid-free tissue paper or use archival-quality plastic sleeves. This will prevent dust, moisture, and scratches.

3 Pack books vertically: Store books upright, as they would be on a bookshelf. This will prevent warping of covers. Avoid stacking books flat as this can damage the spines.

4 Fill empty spaces: Fill any gaps in the boxes with packing material, such as bubble wrap or crumpled paper, to prevent books from shifting during transport and storage. This will also provide extra cushioning.

Shelving and Stacking Techniques to Preserve Your Collection

Once your books are packed and ready for storage, it’s important to use proper stacking techniques to prevent damage.

1 Use sturdy bookshelves: Invest in sturdy bookshelves made of solid wood or metal. Unstable bookshelves that can sag under the weight of your books.

2 Avoid overcrowding shelves: Leave some breathing room between containers to prevent them from getting squeezed or damaged. Overcrowding can also make it difficult to access your books.

3 Support large or heavy books: Large or heavy books should be placed horizontally in boxes. This will prevent them from sagging or damaging the spines of the books beneath them.

4 Stack books properly: If you need to stack books on top of each other, stack them in small, manageable piles.

5 Place fragile books on top: If you have fragile or valuable books, it’s best to store them on the top shelf or in a separate box.


Your books are more than just objects, they are gateways to knowledge, imagination, and memories. Take the necessary steps to protect and preserve them, so they can continue to bring joy for years to come. With self storage, you can have peace of mind knowing that your beloved literary treasures are safe and sound.

Reorganize Your RV In the New Year

Are you tired of stepping into your RV and feeling instantly overwhelmed by the clutter? It’s time to start the new year by turning your RV into a relaxing, clutter-free zone. Whether you’re a full-time RVer or just enjoy the occasional road trip, keep your RV organized. Your efforts will make a huge difference in your travel experience.

With the right strategies, it’s easy to maintain a streamlined and efficient living space in your RV. We’ve gathered some space-saving storage solutions to transform your RV into a clutter-free oasis. Leasing a self-storage unit in the same facility where you store your RV is the ideal solution.

What could be more convenient than being able to transfer items directly from your stored RV to your self-storage unit? You can store seasonal items and overflow from your RV, as well as seldom-used supplies.

Depend on Trusted Self Storage for a secure, budget-friendly location for your RV storage. They have plenty of types and sizes of convenient self-storage units as well. You can find solutions for all your storage needs in one place.

Stop digging through piles of clothes or cabinets to find that one item you need. With the right organization strategies, you can create a more streamlined and efficient living space in your RV. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can transform your RV into a clutter-free oasis.

Organize your RV

Assess Your RV’s Available Space

Before you dive into organizing your RV, assessing the available storage space is important. Take a look at your cabinets, closets, and any other storage areas in your RV. Consider the size and shape of each space, and think about how you can maximize its potential.

Start by decluttering and removing any items you no longer need or use. This will make it easier to organize what remains. Separate your belongings into categories such as clothing, kitchen supplies, and outdoor gear. You’ll be able to visualize how much storage space you’ll need and plan accordingly.

Once you have a clear idea of your RV’s storage capacity, you can move on to the next step of utilizing vertical space for storage.

Don’t Neglect Your Vertical Space

When your floor space is limited, it’s important to think vertically. Look for opportunities to utilize the walls and vertical surfaces for storage and organization.

One effective way to maximize vertical space is by installing hanging organizers. These can be hung on the back of doors or inside closets to store small items like shoes, toiletries, or cleaning supplies. Hanging organizers with clear pockets are especially useful. You can see what’s inside without rummaging through everything.

Mount hooks and racks on the walls to hang items like hats, coats, or towels. You can also use adhesive hooks to hang lightweight items such as keys, oven mitts, or small utensils.

Don’t forget about the often-overlooked space above your cabinets or closets. Use storage bins or baskets to store items that are not frequently used but still need to be accessible. These can include extra linens, seasonal clothing, or camping equipment.

Use Storage Containers Effectively

Containers help categorize and contain your belongings. Use stackable and transparent containers so that you can easily see what’s inside. Invest in containers with secure lids to prevent items from shifting or spilling during travel.

Before placing items in the containers, consider the frequency of use. Items that you use often should be stored in easily accessible locations. Those that are used less frequently can be stored in higher or harder-to-reach areas.

For kitchen utensils or office supplies, use drawer organizers or small bins. You’ll find it easier to locate what you need.

Create Designated Spaces

When everything has a designated spot, it’s easier to put things back where they belong and avoid clutter.

Start by creating zones based on the type of items. For example, designate a specific area for kitchen supplies, another for clothing, and another for outdoor gear. This helps you mentally organize your belongings and makes it easier to find what you need.

Within each zone, further divide the space to create subcategories. In the kitchen zone, for instance, you can have separate areas for cooking utensils, food storage, and appliances. Use drawer dividers, shelf organizers, or clear containers to keep items within each subcategory neatly separated.

For clothing, consider using hanging organizers or collapsible fabric bins to store items like socks, underwear, or accessories. This makes it easier to grab what you need without creating a mess.

Don’t forget about the outside of your RV as well. Create designated spaces for outdoor items like camping chairs, grills, or sports equipment. Use the space on the outside of your RV. Install a roof rack or bike rack to store larger items like kayaks, bikes, or camping gear.

Maximize Storage in Small Spaces

Start by utilizing the space under your bed. Invest in bed risers or storage containers specifically designed to fit under RV beds. This provides a large storage area for items like extra bedding, clothing, or seasonal gear.

Look for unused space in your RV, such as the back of cabinet doors or the sides of furniture. Install adhesive hooks or small shelves to hang or store items.

Consider using collapsible or nesting items to save space. Collapsible bowls, measuring cups, and storage containers can be easily stored when not in use.

Look for tables or ottomans with built-in storage compartments. This allows you to store items like blankets, books, or games while providing a functional piece of furniture.


Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the secrets to a clutter-free RV. From utilizing vertical space to creating designated zones for different items, you now have the tools and strategies to transform your RV into a functional and stress-free living space.

You can embrace the new year with a refreshed and organized RV that will make your travels much more enjoyable.

A Guide to Decluttering Sentimental Items With Ease: A Self Storage Unit Helps

“I can’t let go of my son’s first Little League uniform.” “I have to keep my parent’s ticket stubs from the 1939 release of Gone With the Wind.” “I’ll never be able to let go of my daughter’s dance costumes.” How often have you made these types of statements or said something similar?

From your children’s belongings to your deceased loved ones’ memorabilia, it’s hard to let go of sentimental items. The attachment is hard to explain but look at it this way.

Our emotional connection to sentimental items stems from the memories and emotions they evoke. They become intertwined with our identities and represent a part of our personal history. Nobody wants to discard their history.

Recognizing this attachment becomes the first step to letting go of these items. Believe it or not, sometimes you don’t have to let go. If you lease a climate-controlled self storage unit, you can keep your belongings safely tucked away. You can take your time deciding whether you want to keep, donate, or gift these precious items to friends and family.

Trusted Self Storage has a variety of sizes of climate-controlled self storage units that will be the perfect place to protect your sentimental treasures.

Decluttering Sentimental Items with Ease


Dealing With the Guilt

Letting go of sentimental items can often bring feelings of guilt and sadness. It’s important to recognize and address these emotions as part of the process.

Acknowledge and honor the memories.
Recognize that letting go of that unattractive vase your grandmother loved doesn’t erase the memories it holds. They will always be a part of you whether you have the physical item or not. Honor the memories and store the vase.

Find alternative ways to preserve the memories.
If parting with a sentimental item feels too difficult, consider finding alternative ways to preserve it. This could include photographing the item, writing a journal entry about its significance, or creating a digital scrapbook. This will help ease the guilt associated with letting go.

How to Declutter Sentimental Items

Having a plan always helps. The following suggestions will keep you motivated and guide you through the decision-making process.

Sorting and Categorizing
The first step in decluttering sentimental items is to sort and categorize them. Start by gathering all your sentimental possessions in one place. Seeing everything together will help you gain a better perspective on your collection.

Next, create categories based on the type of items you have. This could include photographs, baby toys, clothing, or any other sentimental possessions you own. Sorting them into categories will make decision-making easier.

What to Keep and What to Let Go
Making decisions about what to keep and what to let go can be a challenge. It’s far less stressful to make these decisions if you lease a secure self storage unit. Being able to move your items to a storage unit doesn’t feel as “final” as disposing of them. You’ll have plenty of time to make emotional decisions.

Ask yourself the following questions so that you can make more intentional decisions.

Do these items still bring me joy?
Examine each item individually and think about how it makes you feel. Does it still bring you joy, or has its meaning faded over time? As Marie Kondo states, trust your instincts and let go of items that no longer spark joy.

Does this item represent a cherished memory?
Some sentimental items may hold more meaning than others. Consider the memories they represent and how well they capture a particular moment.

Can this item be digitally preserved?
In today’s digital age, it’s easier than ever to preserve memories through scanning or photographing. If an item holds sentimental value but takes up a significant amount of physical space, consider digitizing it to save both the memory and the physical clutter.

Does this item serve a practical purpose in my life?
While sentimental items may not have a practical purpose in the traditional sense, some possessions can still be enjoyed in our daily lives. If your mother’s saucepan serves a practical purpose and brings you joy, it’s worth keeping.

Organizing and Storing Sentimental Items
Once you have decluttered and decided which sentimental items to keep, organize and store them carefully. It’s important to preserve their condition and allow easy access when you feel the need to revisit your items.

Use the right storage supplies.
Consider investing in archival-quality boxes, acid-free sleeves, or containers specifically designed for preserving fragile items. These storage options will help protect your possessions from damage caused by light, moisture, and other environmental factors.

Create a System
Create a system that makes sense to you. This could be by chronological order, category, or theme. As long as it aligns with your personal preference, the system itself doesn’t matter. The key is uncomplicated maintenance that will allow you to find specific items when you need them.

Finding Closure

As you navigate the process of decluttering sentimental items, it’s important to find closure and create new memories.

Celebrate the memories.
Take some time to reflect on the memories associated with the sentimental items you have chosen to let go of. Write about them in a journal or share stories with loved ones. If you need a more formal goodbye, create a special ritual to honor those memories.

Embrace the present.
Decluttering sentimental belongings gives you the physical and mental space for new experiences. Embrace the present moment, and make a conscious effort to create new memories.

Focus on the experiences, not the possessions,
Instead of accumulating more sentimental items, shift your focus towards collecting experiences. Engage in activities that bring you joy, spend quality time with loved ones, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Prioritize experiences over possessions, and you’ll find that the memories you create are more valuable than any material item.


Decluttering sentimental items is a personal journey.

If you lease a self storage unit, this task will be easier. Many of your cherished memories can be safely stored for gifting or donation.

There’s no rush. Take your time, and approach the process with kindness towards yourself. Letting go of these things doesn’t diminish the memories they hold; it simply allows you to create space for new experiences.

How to Deal With a Home Organizing Plan That Isn’t Working

You’ve worked diligently at organizing every room of your home. The kitchen is tidy, the bedrooms are calm and peaceful, and even the garage is orderly. The hard work and planning were rewarding and satisfying. Now, you and your family can enjoy the fruits of your labor. Not so fast.

Regrettably, your organizational plan is deteriorating. Clutter is accumulating in corners and closets. Mail is piling up, and empty Amazon boxes are finding a home in your entryway. Even the junk drawer has made a comeback.

The problem is that real people live in your home. Sooner or later, even with good intentions, they will abandon their neat and tidy habits. Gradually, the clutter will accumulate, especially in heavily used areas.

One way to control the mess is with a secure, affordable self storage unit. You can reclaim your space by packing up your rarely used items. Give them a new home in a climate-controlled self storage unit.

Trusted Self Storage has a wide range of sizes, types, and affordable prices. Having extra space will make it easier to stick to the plan. Your items are easily accessible when you need them, and they’re not cluttering your living space.

Home organizing plan

Home Organizing: Why Your Plan Isn’t Working

Following are some of the surprising reasons that your organizing plan may need to be fixed and a few solutions to get you back on the right track.

Problem: There is No Actual System
An organizational system doesn’t mean moving all of your clutter into one room or several closets. That’s a stopgap, not a solution.

A viable system will help you better use your space, save time, and create a more peaceful home for your family.

Solution: Start Small
Start with a basic approach that gives you the benefit of building on small successes. The conventional approach of making 3 piles (keep, discard, and donate) is a great start. Set your timer for 15 minutes and see how much you can accomplish. A self storage unit is the perfect place to store items to be donated or things that you want to keep but use infrequently.

Objects that are targeted for disposal should be placed in the trash immediately. The items that you’re keeping need to be stowed in the appropriate areas. Don’t make piles that you’re planning to “put away later.” That will not work.

Check Pinterest for tons of organization tips and hacks to get you moving in the right direction.

Problem: It’s Complicated
The point of being organized is to make life easier, not more difficult. If you have to keep up with a number of complicated steps, you won’t enjoy tidying up your home.

For example: Dirty laundry goes into a family member’s personal hamper. It is collected and separated on laundry day by the person who is designated to do laundry. Don’t demand that everyone carry their clothing to the laundry room daily and categorize it by color, fabric, and wash cycle. The goal is to streamline your life, not to have everyone give up because it’s too much work.

Solution: Be Clear
Be sure that your system is clear. Give yourself and other household members a couple of weeks to grasp it. If it seems too complicated or doesn’t accomplish your objectives, it’s time to reevaluate your system.

Problem: It Doesn’t Work For Everyone

Don’t try to copy another person’s system. An organizational system that works for one household may not work for another. What is perfect for one family, may not work for yours. Every household is different, every space is different, and every group is different. Create a system that fits your needs.

Solution: Create The Perfect Fit
This isn’t about one system being better than another. It’s about creating the perfect fit that will save time and stress while keeping your home organized. For example, the Kon Mari method is very popular. However, it’s extremely complex, requiring a commitment to strict guidelines for categorizing and rule-following.

There are many less complicated systems that you can adapt to your needs. Check out 21 Smart Family Command Center Ideas. There are plenty of family-friendly ideas that are fun and motivating.

Problem: You’re the Only One Who Can Use the System

If you don’t make your system easy for everyone in the household, they won’t bother to use it.

Think of it like this. You design what you think is a very simple system for creating a grocery shopping list. You attach 7 or 8 slips of paper to the refrigerator labeled meat, seafood, pantry, dairy, fruit, veggies, etc. You become upset when someone adds chips to the dairy list. It’s obvious that this is not the system for your family.

Learn to use a smart technology device like Alexa. The kids will love it, but you may find a few strange items on your list!

Solution: Keep It Simple If you keep the system simple, everyone will be on board. And what could be simpler than asking Alexa to add Snickers Bars to the shopping list?

Problem: You Care More About Control Than Organization
Don’t be a micromanager. The goal is organization, not control.

Solution: Don’t Demand Perfect (at least not in the beginning) You’ve handed the kids the job of rinsing dishes before placing them in the dishwasher. They do an adequate job – not perfect – but adequate. Does it really matter if every tiny bit of food isn’t rinsed off of a plate? No, it does not. Let the kids do the job and learn as they go. If your goal is to force your family into your idea of perfection, say goodbye to your system. It won’t work.


Frustrating yourself and everyone else involved in the plan is futile. An organizational system should make life easier, save time, and keep your home neat and tidy. Your first task is to get everyone on board. Your second task is to lease a secure, affordable self storage unit. Use common sense and patience. Before you know it, your home will be a model of organization.

Seven Easy Ways to Transform Your Outdoor Space for Summer Fun

Transform Your Outdoor Space

Summer is almost here, and it will soon be time to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine. One of the best ways to do that is by spending time in your outdoor space. Whether you have a small balcony or a large backyard, you can transform your outdoor space into a summer oasis with a few simple changes.

If you don’t already have a self storage unit, now is the perfect time to rent one. We don’t want to think about it right now, but summer will come to an end. This means you’ll need extra storage space for your outdoor decor. Trusted Self Storage has the types and sizes of self storage that you need to keep all of your summer items in perfect condition when you’re not using them.

In the meantime, here are seven easy ways to spruce up your outdoor space for summer fun,

Transform your outdoor space

Get Ready for Summer

1. Assess Your Space

Before you begin your outdoor transformation project, it’s important to assess your space. Take a look at the size and shape of your area, as well as any natural features such as trees or shrubs.
Consider how you plan to use your space. Do you want to entertain guests, relax with a good book, or dine al fresco? Once you have a clear idea of your needs and wants, you can begin planning your transformation.

2. Set a Budget

Transforming your outdoor space doesn’t have to break the bank. Before you start shopping for new furniture and decor, set a budget for your project. Consider how much you are willing to spend on each item, and prioritize your purchases.

For example, if you plan to entertain guests, you may want to invest in a high-quality outdoor dining set. If you simply want to relax, a comfortable outdoor lounge chair may be a less expensive option.

3. Add Outdoor Furniture and Decor

Outdoor furniture and decor can make a big difference in the look and feel of your outdoor space. Consider adding a comfortable outdoor sofa or loveseat, along with colorful cushions and throw pillows. A cozy outdoor rug can also add warmth and texture to your space. For smaller areas, consider a bistro set or a few folding chairs.

When you’re shopping for outdoor furniture, look for comfort, quality, and affordability. Even with durable furniture covers, your furniture will be exposed to the elements at times. Be sure that it can stand up to high temperatures and occasional stormy weather.

4. Incorporate Colorful Plans and Greenery

Incorporating flowering plants and greenery into your outdoor space can help create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. Consider adding a mix of potted plants, hanging baskets, and garden beds. Choose plants that thrive in your climate and are easy to care for. Don’t forget to water your plants regularly and fertilize them as needed.

Interestingly, the Journal of Environmental Psychology states that viewing a flower image or viewing flowers may induce automatic distraction from a stressor and support recovery.

5. Install Inviting Lighting

Outdoor lighting can help create a warm and inviting atmosphere, while also providing safety and security. Consider adding string lights, lanterns, or candles to your space. You can also install solar-powered path lights or motion-sensor floodlights for added safety. Don’t forget to test your lighting before your first outdoor gathering to ensure that everything is working properly.

6. Relax With Water Features

Water features such as fountains, ponds, or waterfalls can add a soothing and relaxing element to your outdoor space. Consider adding a small fountain or a pond with colorful fish. You can also create a DIY water feature using a large pot or a birdbath. Remember that mosquitoes use standing water as a breeding ground, so be sure to keep your water feature clean and well-maintained.

7. Get Ready For Outdoor Entertainment

Transforming your outdoor space can also provide new opportunities for entertainment. Consider adding a grill or an outdoor kitchen for easy summer cookouts. You can also add a fire pit or a chiminea for cozy evenings under the stars. Don’t forget to add some outdoor games or activities, such as corn hole, bocce ball, or croquet.


Transforming your outdoor space for summer fun doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a little planning and creativity, you can turn your backyard or patio into a relaxing and inviting oasis. Assess your space, set a budget, and incorporate furniture, greenery, lighting, and water features. Don’t forget to add some outdoor entertainment options and enjoy your new space with family and friends.

It’s Time to Store Your Outdoor Gear and Summer Toys

Self Storage Best Practices

There’s still plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors in the fall before the snow flies and winter takes over. Outdoor gear, toys, and other types of leisure gear can break down over time if they aren’t taken care of properly. If you want your camping gear, sports supplies, and other outdoor equipment to remain in excellent functioning condition the next time you need to use them, learn self storage best practices for your seasonal items.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: self storage units are not places to store anything irreplaceable, but most are safe and reliable. When these valuables aren’t being used, self storage is the best place to keep them safe and secure. Here are some suggestions on the best way to preserve your summer equipment and outdoor toys until next season:

Miscellaneous outdoor gear ready to be stored.

Self Storage Best Practices: Camping Gear

Tents can survive the weather, but they wear out rapidly if not kept properly. Mold may form on a damp cloth, and a compression bag can shorten the life of the tent poles. Follow these steps to clean your tent before putting it away for the winter:

  • Use soap and water to clean the cloth gently. When you’ve finished removing all of the dirt and odors, it’s time to give it a good rinse.
  • Let the tent dry entirely in the air by hanging it up or spreading it out on a flat surface.
  • Pillowcase the dry tent and tent poles together. The tent’s compact carrying bag isn’t great for long-term storage; it’s better suited for transport.

Watersports Equipment

Scuba equipment, surfboards, and water skis all require different care than your average pair of shoes. Water skis and scuba gear may be hosed off to remove marine debris, including salt, sand, and bacteria. The next step is to let them air dry completely.

Surfboards need significantly more maintenance. Surfboards, like any other piece of aquatic gear, should be rinsed thoroughly after use. However, before stowing the board away for the winter, its wax coating should be renewed. And here’s how you do it:

  • For best results, you should heat up the surfboard in direct sunlight for at least half an hour. Because of this, removing the wax from the board will be a much simpler task.
  • All wax, filth, and grime can be removed with a little WD-40.
  • The board has to be totally dry before a new layer of wax is applied.
  • Surfboards should be kept in a permeable bag, much as dive gear and water skis.

Canoes and kayaks, although designed for use in the great outdoors, shouldn’t be kept there while they aren’t in use. Sunlight may deteriorate plastic and composite boats. On top of that, materials and joints might be particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of cold weather. Before putting them in self storage, follow these steps:

  • All hatch covers should be removed and the inside thoroughly cleaned to ensure that no moisture is trapped.
  • To prevent mold and mildew from forming inside a kayak, the float plugs should be removed.
  • Use cockpit coverings or a permeable sheet to cover the interior of the vessel to keep it clean while allowing air circulation.
  • Canoes and plastic kayaks should be stored with their hulls up, but composite kayaks may be stored on their sides or upside down.
  • Avoid storing them on the ground at all costs to avoid creating a pressure point wherever they make contact. Use a rack to hang them and distribute the weight properly to prevent warping.

Inflatable Summer Toys

Some pool toys and floats have weird shapes that make it hard to find a good way to store them. Here are some suggestions for stowing away your pool equipment.

  • Always deflate your inflatables to the lowest possible level before putting them away, since any residual air might act as a moisture trap.
  • Avoid scratches and rips by making sure everything is dry and clear of debris.
  • Spread a small coating of cornstarch or talcum powder over the goods before putting them in plastic to prevent them from clinging to one another.
  • Tightly folding or rolling may cause tension on the fabric and seams, ruining the toy for the next season. Often, you won’t realize the toy is destroyed until you spend an hour attempting to blow it up.
Patio Furniture and Grill

You’ve spent the last few months having barbecues on the weekends for your friends and neighbors, who have enjoyed sitting in your patio chairs while you cooked outside. However, after summer is done, you’ll want to store your barbecue and outdoor furnishings somewhere secure. Before you decide to store anything yourself, consider the following:


  • Disconnect the propane tank from your barbecue and keep it in a secure location on your property. You can’t keep flammables in a storage unit
  • Remove any debris and oil from the grill grates before using. You may want to have the grill nice and hot before you start scraping.
  • After cleaning your grill, put some rust preventer on the burners and grates. Finally, cover it with a custom-made cover to protect it from the elements..

Patio Furniture

  • Cleaning wooden furniture is as easy as giving it a quick spray with the garden hose and maybe some oil soap. Don’t bother putting it away until it’s entirely dried.
  • Rust and grime may be easily removed by wiping down and scrubbing metal furniture. It is possible to stop future rust damage by using sealants.
  • You may remove any dust or grime from your other belongings by shaking them out or by washing them in the washing machine.

Your house may soon become too small to store all of your summer gear, in which case you may want to look into a self-storage facility. It’s the quickest, least expensive, and least disruptive method to add square footage on the spot, for as long or short a time as you need it. If you’re wondering how much room you’ll need for storage, click on this Storage Unit Size Guide.

Top 10 Tips for Self Storage Unit Organization

If you’ve ever used a self storage unit for your personal or business belongings, you’ve probably read a few hundred articles advising on the best way to organize your space. They all have value, but everyone’s needs are different and  there’s no perfect system. Here are our tips for self storage unit organization.

Your goals should be to:

  • safely store your possessions, 
  • maximize your space, and  
  • be able to easily locate your items when you need them.

A common sense approach based on the following suggestions and your unique needs will streamline your packing and storing process.

Plastic storage containers.


Best Tips for Self Storage Unit Organization

Tip 1: Create a master inventory list, and categorize your items. Categories can include seasonal clothing, furniture, appliances, seasonal décor, electronics and items you use regularly. This method will enable you to estimate the amount of space and the number of bins and boxes that you’ll need. Check the Trusted Self Storage Size Guide to help you determine the size unit that will work best for you.

Pro Tip: Jot down the replacement value of each item as well as serial/model numbers of electronics and appliances. If you ever have to file an insurance claim, you can check your master inventory list.


Tip: 2: Label all of your boxes, and list the contents of each box. Label your boxes by room and list the contents on each label. There will be multiple boxes for each room, and it’s almost impossible to recall what each one contains. You don’t want to have to open every box to find one sweater or a pair of shoes.

Pro Tip: Label your boxes on the top and on the side so that the list is easily visible when you’re searching for an item. Be sure to number each box. These numbers should then be added to the items on your master list. 


Tip 3: When packing your boxes, fill them. Don’t leave boxes partially empty. Fill up the entire box, placing a few heavy items on the bottom and filling to capacity with lighter items. This way, you’ll avoid crushing your fragile items.

Pro Tip: Try to choose one size box or container for most, if not all, of your items. With boxes of the same size it’s much easier to stack efficiently and maximize your space.


Tip 4: Cover the floor. The floors in a self storage unit are concrete, which can cause condensation in extreme temperatures and humidity. Even with a climate-controlled unit you should cover the floor with plastic tarps for extra protection.

Pro Tip: Wood pallets make a good floor cover and keep bugs from gathering under your boxes and containers.


Tip 5: Disassemble large furniture. Tables, headboards, bookcases and any other large  pieces should be disassembled to maximize storage space. These items should be stored in an upright position at the back of the unit.

Pro Tip: Place all screws, nails, and anything needed to reassemble the furniture in a small, sealable plastic bag that is attached to that specific piece of furniture.


Tip 6: Store electronics carefully. Today’s electronics aren’t typically packed as one single piece. They are easily damaged and should be packed and sealed to prevent damage and deterioration from dust and pests. For more information check 15 Genius Ways to Store Electronics.

Pro Tip: Use your phone or tablet to take a picture of the connections so that you’ll have no trouble when it’s time to get them up and running.


Tip 7: Use your vertical space. Don’t forget about using the vertical space in your storage unit. Store items upright and stack boxes as high as safely possible. If you’re concerned about stability, you can use sturdy shelving to hold your heavy and cumbersome containers and other items. Shelving toward the front of your unit can hold frequently-used items.

Pro Tip: Consider shelving on wheels so that you can easily move it around your space.


Tip 8: Leave an aisle. By the time you’re packed up and ready to start moving items into your unit, don’t be in such a hurry that you forgot to conveniently organize everything. Leave an aisle down the middle so that you can more easily view and access your belongings. 

Pro Tip: Be sure that the labeled side of your containers and boxes is facing the aisle.


Tip 9: Place frequently used items toward the front. Keep in mind that you will use some items more frequently than others. Your large appliances and furniture should be placed in the back of your unit, but things like holiday decorations, seasonal clothing and important documents should be placed in an easily accessible spot near the front.

Pro Tip: For even more convenience, pack frequently used items in see-through containers.


Tip 10: Make a map of your unit. Make a map of your stored boxes and items, place it on a clipboard, and hang it in a visible location in your unit. There’s no need to get too technical; a hand drawn sketch will work. This will make it easy to find the items that are “buried” in the back.

Pro Tip: Remember to keep this map up-to-date as you add and remove items from your unit, and take a photo of it so you don’t have to worry if it is misplaced.


Final Thoughts
At first glance, these tasks seem like a lot of trouble, but the huge amount of time you’ll save over the years makes the effort more than worth it. When the day arrives that you’re looking for that heavy sweater or Thanksgiving platter, you’ll find your item with ease.

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